Shirley J Cookie Mixes Review
Shirley J Cookie Mixes
Provided by Shirley J
Reviewed by Danielle Zimmerman, editor of
While I love baking cookies from scratch, sometimes it can be a pain to measure out all of the ingredients and then have to clean up all of the measuring spoons and cups. Plus, I'm always worried that I'm going to add too much of one ingredient and not enough of another, therefore ruining my cookies. But, baking cookies from scratch has always seemed like a good alternative to using packaged cookie mixes. That is, until I tried these Shirley J Cookie Mixes. Shirley J's mixes are so easy to bake and taste just like a homemade batch of cookies.
Each bag of Shirley J cookie mix has the baking directions listed on the back, in addition to what other ingredients you'll need to bake the cookies. One of the best parts about these mixes is that you don't need a lot of other ingredients besides the mix. Of the two types of cookies I made, I only needed a bit of water and a little bit of shortening. That was it. These mixes are really great to have on hand if you're low on ingredients (or just don't feel like going to the store) but you're craving something sweet.
The pack of cookie mixes included five cookie mixes, a bag of dipping and coating chocolate, and a bottle of Shirley J's signature Pure Bourbon Vanilla. While all of these sweet treats were delicious, I absolutely loved Shirley J's Coconutty Macaroon Cookie Mix and their Classic Sugar Cookie Mix (which are unfortunately not pictured above because I made them before taking the photo). Besides being incredibly easy to make, these cookies were all super soft and perfectly sweet. Usually when I taste cookies made from a cookie mix, I come up with a list of ingredients I'd add to the mix or what I would change about the cookies' flavor. However, with both of these cookie mixes, I thought their flavors were perfect. I honestly wouldn't change a single thing. They were so wonderfully flavorful that I couldn't stop eating them.
No matter if you normally bake cookies from scratch or enjoy baking cookies with cookie mixes, you'll love this pack of Shirley J Cookie Mixes.
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