Peach Bread Pudding


Peach Bread Pudding

Peach Bread Pudding
Peach Bread Pudding

"Enjoy the warm comfort of Peach Bread Pudding—a scrumptious dessert that combines soft, moist bread cubes with juicy peaches for a magical spin on a classic dessert. It’s baked to perfection and then drizzled with a simple white chocolate sauce for an easy recipe that screams summer. The soft, pillowy texture of the bread pudding combined with juicy peach chunks and a rich custard turns a classic sweet bread pudding into a must have summer dessert. A layer of brown sugar and butter form the base giving it just enough sweetness. If you want more, drizzle a white chocolate sauce over the top."

Serves16 people

Preparation Time20 min

Cooking Time1 hr 15 min

Cooking MethodOven

Cooking Vessel Size9 x 13

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