5-Minute Mug Cakes


5-Minute Mug Cakes

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5-Minute Mug Cakes
5-Minute Mug Cakes

There's really nothing better on a cold, lazy day than a nice warm mug cake! These 5-Minute Mug Cakes are the essential for any one from college students in need of a quick, sweet treat to bakers who love their fine cakes and desserts. Download this free printable, and stick it next to your microwave for those cold and rainy days when you just want sit with a good book and a warm dessert.

We've got a quick recipe for a warm and gooey vanilla cake, a coffee cake that will brighten your day, and a fudgy chocolate cake that's so amazing you have to taste it to believe it! Give these mug cakes a try, and you'll be enjoying a mug full of deliciousness in no time.

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What a handy sheet to print out and leave in the kitchen so the kids can make themselves a treat. The chocolate cake recipe calls for self-rising flour. If you do not have self-rising flour, you can easily make your own substitute. Simply add 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt to one cup of all-purpose flour.


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