
Applesauce Sugar Cookies

By: Michelle Huston from The Wooden Spoon Effect
Applesauce Sugar Cookies

"Wanna make some delicious cookies without all the sugar? Here’s a recipe for you! These Applesauce Sugar Cookies are low-sugar, flavorful, and perfect for any occasion! Applesauce sugar cookies are a delicious and healthy way to enjoy a sweet treat. The addition of applesauce gives the cookies a soft and chewy texture, while also adding some nutritional value. Plus, they’re really easy to make – so what are you waiting for? Get Busy making these cookies today!"

Makes24 Cookies

Preparation Time10 min

Cooking Time10 min


  • 1 cup All Purpose Flour
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Cornstarch

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