Peach Ginger Cake
By: David Dial from Spiced
Peach Ginger Cake
"Featuring freshly grated ginger in both the cake as well as the frosting, this Peach Ginger Cake makes for a tasty dessert on a warm summer evening! In addition to the stronger ginger flavor in this cake, I also opted for a whipped cream + cream cheese frosting. This frosting is a bit looser, but it works really well in this ‘naked cake’ form. (By naked cake, I mean a cake where the sides are left unfrosted.) n addition to piling freshly chopped peaches and toasted pecans on top of this cake, I also put a layer of peaches in the center of the cake. All together, this Peach Ginger Cake ended up with fantastic flavor! And this cake is a fun way to experiment with fresh ginger, too."
Cooking MethodOven