
Baked Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts

By: David Dial from Spiced
Baked Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts

"Craving a sweet treat? Make a batch of these Baked Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts. Ready in less than 45 minutes, these doughnuts are always a family favorite! In order to make baked doughnuts at home, you’re going to need a doughnut pan. There’s really no way around it. If you have a mini-muffin tin, you can make donut muffins. They’re good. Like really good. But there’s just something about donuts needing that hole in the middle, right?? Our 9-year-old son happened to be home from school for a teacher workday when I made these Baked Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts. He helped make the doughnuts themselves, and then we sat down and ate one (or maybe two) together. He declared them to be the best doughnuts he’s ever eaten! I hope you agree!"


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