Quirky Nibble Cake Pan Review
The Quirky Nibble Cake Pan
Provided by Quirky
Reviewed by Danielle Zimmerman, editor of TheBestDessertRecipes.com
Have you ever baked a homemade cake that didn't taste right or could have used a bit more of an ingredient? It's so frustrating because you either have to throw the entire cake away or remain displeased or unsatisfied with your cake's flavor. However, with the Quirky Nibble Cake Pan, you'll never run into this problem ever again. The Nibble pan gives you "a bite to know it's right."
The cake pan comes with a small silicone cup (affectionately referred to around our office as the "nib") that sits in its slot on the cake pan. When pouring your batter into the cake pan itself, all you need to do is put a little bit into the silicone cup as well. Its small size and silicone makeup allows the testing sample to bake in fifteen minutes or less, which is about one third of the time the rest of your cake will take in the oven. The purpose of the small cup is to taste your cake before it even finishes baking. That way, if you need to add a bit more sugar to the cake batter (for example), or if you need to scrap the cake altogether, you'll know pretty early on.
I also really like the little silicone cup because I'm an impatient baker. I always want instant gratification. With the Nibble cake pan, I don't have to wait until the entire cake is done baking to start eating it. The little silicone cup gives me just enough to tide me over until the rest of the cake is ready.
The pan itself is an 8-inch, non-stick metal cake pan. It's really easy to bake with because the cake doesn't stick to the edges of the pan at all. Also, the little silicone "nib" can be easily removed from the pan so you don't have to worry about fussing with it in a hot oven.
The Quirky Nibble Cake Pan is a fun way to bake a cake. If you love baking cakes and don't mind sampling your cake as it bakes, you'll definitely want to buy your own Nibble.
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